

Thank you so much for visiting my digital home. This blog is a collection of everything I do and find useful and interesting in life and work.

From random thoughts and questions to my favorites: books, articles, quotes, startups to watch or simply a screenshot of a smart email.

Short Bio

I've written an ebook, created an online course, founded a popular design magazine reaching 1+ million annual readers, co-founded a content marketing agency, and have been published in various well-known publications such as Forbes, TIME, Fast Company, HuffPost, The Next Web, and more.

  • I'm from Lithuania, now living with my wife Isabella in Alicane, Spain
  • Former digital nomad, traveled to 50+ countries
  • Studied in Aarhus, Denmark
  • My favorite book is Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
  • I speak Lithuanian, English and Spanish
  • I buy way too many books than I can read. I have Scribd subscription until 2351

If you want to know more about my journey, start with these long-form interviews on Typeform and Crowdfire.


Generally, I'm glued to my iMac or MacBook screens all day long learning, marketing, coding, writing, and designing. I'm lucky to also get paid for it. While not working, I spend my time:

  • Indie Hacking — Building lean independent businesses
  • Writing — Blogging and self-publishing independent books
  • Reading — Biographies, history, business,self-help, science, psychology books
  • Weightlifting — StrongLifts 5×5 training
  • Basketball — Playing pickup games
  • History — Studying through How to Take Over the World and Founders podcasts
  • Longevity — Learning about health optimization and life extension
  • Self Development — Continuous learning and personal growth
  • Traveling — 50+ countries


My digital journey began in 2007 as a self-taught designer and writer.

Since then, I've expanded my skills into marketing and SEO, and more recently, I've started learning programming to become a full-stack founder - someone who can build things quickly and independently.


Growth Jobs
Job board for growth professionals.
Open-source job board starter kit.
Digital marketing learning center.
UI Things
Free digital design learning center.
Best Writing
The all-in-one writing marketplace.


RewardfulGrowth Manager2024-Now
All-in-one affiliate management software for SaaS.
Building a portfolio of software products and digital services.


Member Spotlight: Tomas Laurinavicius
On Helping Companies Streamline Their Content Production
How to create (and grow) a job board using Webflow
Lost on a beach: an interview with designpreneur Tomas Laurinavicius
Veni, vidi, vici — A Tale of the Modern Day Conqueror


Andrew WilkinsonFounder of MetaLab, Tiny
Ben IssenGrowth expert
Bill GatesCo-founder of Microsoft
Brian DeanSEO expert, founder of Backlinko
Corey HainesFounder of Swipewell
Daniel VassalloAuthor, indie hacker
Derek SiversFounder of CD Baby, author
Eric JorgensenAuthor, business builder
George MackMental models expert
Glen AllsoppSEO expert, founder


Lead generation and affiliate marketing conference in London
Mad Cool Festival
Music festival in Madrid, Spain
Annual saas.group meetup and conference
Coldplay Concert
Music of the Spheres World Tour in Berlin
Nomad Cruise 6
Malaga to Athens digital nomad conference
Nomad Cruise 5
Gran Canaria to Panama digital nomad conference
Digital nomad conference in Gran Canaria
54-hour startup event in Bali, Indonesia
WordCamp Europe
WordPress community conference in Sofia, Bulgaria
54-hour startup event in Kaunas, Lithuania

Why This Blog Exists?

Mainly for three selfish reasons.

1. Creative Outlet

I like to have a creative outlet without any boundaries.

It's satisfying to make money from writing but that's the byproduct and it's one of the easiest ways to sell out and corrupt my work and values. I've tried monetizing with ads, affiliate links and subscriptions but none of them work for me and I've removed any commercial content from this blog.

I make a living from other sources and want to be free of financial, political and social pressure and express myself on the topics that matter to me.

It's my intrinsic motivation to write and create and get better at it without expecting to get anything in return.

Writing and creating helps me organize my mind and make sense of what I'm thinking and better understand the surrounding world around me.

I find writing therapeutic and creating in public a humbling experience.

2. Give Back and Pay Forward

I wouldn't be where I'm today if it wasn't for the men and women in the arena brave enough to share what they know.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;

But who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;

Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

— Theodore Roosevelt, The Man in the Arena

Standing on the shoulders of giants. I'm here because of all the writers, bloggers, artists, designers, teachers, developers, scientists, entrepreneurs, philosophers, and many people I can't possibly name that my life and work is based upon. This website is my way of paying it forward and sharing the ideas, best practices, and tools to create more and live better.

3. Attract and Connect

Writing is my online microphone.

By writing online, I can share my ideas and expertise with people all over the world, even when I'm not actively working.

It helps me build a reputation as a knowledgeable and thoughtful person in my field, and it allows me to connect with other curious people who share my interests. By writing, I've opened myself up to new opportunities, job offers, collaborations, and even lifelong friendships.

Let's Connect

Don't follow me, connect with me.

After deleting Twitter in 2018, I'm back on X and Bluesky. If you're there, say hi!

You can still find me on LinkedIn but the best way to stay in touch is by joining my newsletter.