Growthlog by Tomas Laurinavicius

Hi. I'm Tomas Laurinavicius 🤟


Hey there! 👋

Thank you so much for visiting my digital home. This blog is a collection of everything I do and find useful and interesting in life and work.

From random thoughts and questions to my favorites: books, articles, quotes, startups to watch or simply a screenshot of a smart email.

10 Second Bio

I'm from 🇱🇹 Lithuania living in Alicane, Spain. 🇪🇸

Former nomad, traveled to 50+ countries.

Studied in 🇩🇰 Aarhus, Denmark.

My favorite book is Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari.

I speak 🇱🇹 Lithuanian, 🇬🇧 English and 🇪🇸 Spanish.

I buy way too many books than I can read. I have Scribd subscription until 2351.

I've written an ebook, created a course, built a design magazine with 1+ million annual readers, co-founded a content marketing agency, published in Forbes, TIME, Fast Company, HuffPost, The Next Web and many more publications.

If you want to know more about my journey, start with these long-form interviews on Typeform and Crowdfire.


Started as a self-taught designer, I became a marketer and recently restarted following my curiosity into the programming world. Ultimately, I want to be able to build things fast by myself.

I've been very lucky to work with great people who gave me a chance to learn new things and prove myself. Writing must be one of the best career starters where you get paid to learn and write about it.


  • Jan 2023 · Present
    Growth Manager
    In my role as a Growth Manager at, I assist 14 portfolio brands with digital marketing operations and experiments.
  • Jan 2020 · Present
    Co-Founder, Marketing
    Building an all-in-one platform connecting writers with companies. Formerly Content Writing Jobs.
  • Feb 2021 · Present
    Marketing Advisor
    B2B go-to-market (GTM) strategy consulting for web and app development agency.
  • Sep 2022 · Jun 2023
    Freelance Business Writer
    Covered business, marketing, and technology on Forbes Advisor.
  • Jun 2018 · Sep 2022
    Freelance Technical Writer
    Covered web design, productivity and marketing topics.
  • Apr 2021 · Apr 2022
    Editor In Chief
    Led the team of CPAs (Certified Public Accountants) and attorneys, producing 190+ long-form articles on forming and maintaining LLCs in the US.
  • Sep 2020 · Jul 2021
    Freelance Writer
    Researched and wrote long-form content covering ecommerce, sales, marketing, and business trends.
  • Dec 2013 · Nov 2019
    Freelance Technical Writer
    Produced detailed tutorials covering web design, psychology and technology.
  • Jun 2017 · Oct 2017
    Freelance Writer
    Wrote educational content to help designers build better products.
  • Feb 2016 · Sep 2017
    Freelance Writer
    Covered psychology, startups, self-development, books, lifestyle and business topics.
  • May 2013 · Jun 2016
    Co-Founder, Editor In Chief
    Built from scratch Despreneur grew to over 1 million annual readers. The magazine was acquired by a private person in 2016.

Why This Blog Exists?

Mainly for three reasons.

1. Creative Outlet ✍️

I like to have a creative outlet without any boundaries.

It's cool to make money from writing but that's the byproduct. I make a living from consulting and want to be free of financial, political and social pressure and express myself on the topics that matter to me. It's my intrinsic motivation to write and create and get better at it without expecting to get anything in return.

"Writing is its own reward." - Henry Miller

Writing and creating helps me organize my mind and make sense of what I'm thinking and better understand the surrounding world around me. I find writing therapeutic and creating in public a humbling experience.

2. Give Back 👨‍🎤

I wouldn't be where I'm today if it wasn't for the men and women in the arena brave enough to share what they know.

It is not the critic who counts;
not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles,
or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
who strives valiantly; who errs,
who comes short again and again,
because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;
but who does actually strive to do the deeds;
who knows great enthusiasms,
the great devotions;
who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,
and who at the worst,
if he fails,
at least fails while daring greatly,
so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

- Theodore Roosevelt, The Man in the Arena

I'm here because of all the writers, bloggers, artists, designers, teachers, developers, scientists, entrepreneurs, philosophers, and many people I can't possibly name that my life and work is based upon. This website is my way of paying it forward and sharing the ideas, best practices, and tools to create more and live better.

3. Attract and Connect 🎤

Writing is my online microphone.

It allows me to attract a like-minded audience even when I sleep. It lets me establish authority and connect with awesome people. Combine all of these and you get job opportunities, collaborations and in the most fortunate cases lifetime friends.

Let's Connect

Don't follow me, connect with me.

After deleting Twitter in 2018, I'm back on X. If you're there, say hi! 👋

You can still find me on LinkedIn but the best way to stay in touch is by joining my newsletter.